The Spanish hospice for the poor: a crudebeginning ofbiopower




Pobres, Biopoder, Hospicio, Caridad


This article studies the concept of biopower, after almost fifty years of its coining by M. Foucault. It will not do so by analyzing what investigations, with what emphasis, through what options and omissions Foucault articulated the concept, but in relation to a brief archaeo/genealogical study on the emergence of the hospice for the poor established at the end of the s. XVIII Hispanic. A study of this type is not only consistent with a concept such as biopower forged in the quarry of history, but it is probably essential to work with Foucault and collaborate in strengthening the analytical capacity of his concepts. In the first section he will analytically link poverty with biopower. From this, in the second section, the study of the illustrated Hispanic hospice will begin, presenting the transformation of Catholic charity that makes it possible. In the third section, the establishment of the hospice will be analyzed based on its main innovation - the politicization of material need, and its greatest concern - the formation of the needy as members of the State. The conclusions will propose that biopower roughly emerges in the Hispanic hospice at the same time that the enlightened poor appears as a type of subject.


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Author Biography

Martín Bernales Odino, Universidad Alberto Hurtado

Martín Bernales Odino es doctor en filosofía. Profesor instructor en el Instituto de Teología y Estudios Religiosos de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile). 


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How to Cite

Bernales Odino, M. (2022). The Spanish hospice for the poor: a crudebeginning ofbiopower. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 34(61).