Life and Debt policies: faces of pastoral power and constitution of the subject of needs in contemporary Biopolitics




Dívida. Poder Pastoral. Sujeito de Necessidades. Governamentalidade


Foucault in the course Security, Territory and Population, given between January and April 1978, dedicates a good part of his classes to examining what he identifies as pastoral power. In what context does this problematization arise? How would pastoral power be implicated in governmentality strategies driven by economic propositions? And, broadening the horizon of questioning, it is up to us to examine what vestiges of pastoral power we could find in the relationships between creditors and debtors, in relationships linked to the constitution of “subjects of needs” (sujet de besoins). From these questions, we intend to examine, among the multiple ways of biopolitics to infiltrate our lives, the preeminence of a pastoral power committed to a logic of indebtedness of existence.


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Author Biographies


Professora Associada Universidade Federal do Cariri;

Mestrado e doutorado com pesquisa na Filosofia de Nietzsche;

Líder do Grupo de pesquisa Cartografias da Subjetividade;

Atualmente com projeto de pesquisa sobre as experiências alteradoras no pensamento de Michel Foucault

Luis Celestino França Jr, UFCA; PROFESSOR ADJUNTO

Professor adjunto do curso de jornalismo da UFCA;

Projeto de pesquisa atual: As faces da morte na biopolítica


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How to Cite

Collares, R. L., & França Jr, L. C. (2022). Life and Debt policies: faces of pastoral power and constitution of the subject of needs in contemporary Biopolitics. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 34(61).