To want not want: The foucauldiananalysis of monastic obedience and its critical index to biopolitics in times of neoliberalism




I intend to discuss Foucault's analysis of obedience in the context of the experience of the flesh, addressed by him in the last volume published at the time of his History of sexuality, As Confessions of the Flesh, and to try to consider whether such an analysis may be viable in providing critical elements for think neoliberal biopolitical governmentality. To do so, I initially consider the relationship between sovereignty and freedom in order to show that the structure of freedom is sustained from the notion of sovereignty, either in rupture or in identification with it. This relationship between freedom and sovereignty runs through liberalism and is reflected in the neoliberal notion of the individual as his own entrepreneur. Next, I present how the theme of ascetic obedience introduces a desubjectified experience of the self that, in turn, can be a counterpoint to neoliberalism and its notion of freedom.



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How to Cite

Nalli, M. (2022). To want not want: The foucauldiananalysis of monastic obedience and its critical index to biopolitics in times of neoliberalism. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 34(61).