On the Status of Life in the Foucauldian Biopolitical Paradigm





Vida. Foucault. Biopolítica. Nietzsche. Voluntad de poder.


This article analyzes the notion of life in the Foucauldian biopolitical paradigm based on a fundamental bivalence of life, understood both as a correlate of a power that dominates and manages it, and as a possibility of a power that resists and always escapes technologies. biopolitics and confronts them. Now, where does Foucault extract these virtualities of life? With what materials does he construct this concept? And above all, what scope and potential does it have? The analysis, which takes into account the Foucauldian production as a whole as well as the critical apparatus on this issue, highlights and focuses, in particular, on the Nietzschean ascendant, which will have important consequences for understanding further developments on life in the thought of the French philosopher, such as the aesthetics of existence, resistance, criticism and freedom. In order to carry out this work, the article is structured around the following points: a brief review of the notion of life within Foucauldian production as a whole; the analysis of the notion of life that Foucault presents towards the mid-1970s in what could be called the “biopolitical paradigm” and, in particular, in its relationship with the notions of power and government; the examination of the genealogy between the notions of life and power of the Foucauldian biopolitical paradigm and the Nietzschean notion of “will to power”; and the proposal of a set of tentative conclusions of the notion of life in the Foucauldian biopolitical paradigm, highlighting a series of scopes and potentialities of the resistance component of that notion.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Sergio Raffin, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)/Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Investigador Independiente del CONICET, Argentina, con sede en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (IIGG) de la UBA y Profesor Titular Plenario Regular de Filosofía en esa universidad. Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de París 8 Vincennes-à-Saint-Denis. Posee, asimismo, una Habilitación en Filosofía (HDR -Habilitation à diriger des recherches-) por la misma universidad. Director del Programa de Estudios Foucaultianos (PEF) del IIGG de la UBA. 


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How to Cite

Raffin, M. S. (2022). On the Status of Life in the Foucauldian Biopolitical Paradigm. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 34(61). https://doi.org/10.7213/1980-5934.34.061.DS02