Transhumanism, immortality and the question of longevity


  • João de Fernandes Teixeira



transhumanism, immortality, longevity, upload of the brain on the internet.


ABSTRACT The paper focuses on two issues approached by transhumanism: immortality and longevity. The first part present some contours of the transhumanist program and its motivation. The second discusses the extent to which the promise of immortality cannot be fulfilled by the idea of uploading the brain on the internet. The third part focuses on longevity. It shows why the transhumanist program for the elderly fails.


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Author Biography

João de Fernandes Teixeira

PhD, Filosofia, Universidade de Essex, Inglaterra, Pós-Doutor, Universidade Tufts, Boston, Estados Unidos.


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How to Cite

Teixeira, J. de F. (2020). Transhumanism, immortality and the question of longevity. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 32(55).