From critic to defense of mnemotechnique: Nietzsche and the writing




Nietzsche, mnemotécnica, escrita, moral, estilística


From the moment in which the memory of the facts ceases to be bound to internal elements to them to associate with external signs, forgetfulness begins to install. This is the birth of writing. With this, memory techniques are threatened. Nietzsche sees in this threat to mnemotechnique a significant gain since it allows a relief and mental sanitation of all that moral burden that does not allow to forget. In pursuing this goal of clearing the mind of his techniques of memorization, Nietzsche inaugurates a form of writing that is not center in content but in stylistic. To what extent is the Nietzschean style expedient able to overcome mnemotechnique?


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Author Biography

Adilson Felicio Feiler, Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia (FAJE)

Titulação: Professor Doutor em Filosofia Pela PUCRS/Georgetown University

Filiação Acadêmica: Professor do PPG em Filosofia da Unisinos


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How to Cite

Feiler, A. F. (2023). From critic to defense of mnemotechnique: Nietzsche and the writing. Revista De Filosofia Aurora, 35.



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