About the Journal


The Aurora Journal of Philosophy (Qualis A1) is a publication in continuous format of the Graduate Program in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR). Since 1988, it has been publishing research results to collaborate with the training and activities of philosophers and other professionals in related areas. In addition, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy publishes unpublished scientific articles, reviews and interviews by peer review among the editorial board members and the specialized scientific community in a double-blind review system, that is, both the names of the reviewers and the authors will remain confidential.

Contributions must be original and unpublished, not having been published elsewhere. Manuscripts can be submitted in Portuguese, English, French, Italian, and Spanish.

Fostering transparency and the advancement of knowledge, our journal has adopted the CC-BY licensing system, encouraging free distribution, reuse, and building upon intellectual contributions, thereby strengthening collaboration and positive impact within the academic community.

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy practices open science in its editorial policies: reviews manuscripts deposited in preprint servers; requires citations, referencing, and declaration of research data; and promotes peer-review evaluation.

The abbreviated title of the Journal is Rev. Filos. Aurora. It should be used in bibliographies, references, footnotes, and bibliographic strips.


The Aurora Journal of Philosophy has the mission of publishing research in the field of philosophy that contributes to reflection, improves critical sense, and strengthens values in view of social transformation. Seeking to promote academic and scientific debates, its publications (articles, reviews, translations, and interviews) obey the thematic variety of the dossiers. Furthermore, they are committed to ethical scientific production and current legislation.

The objective of the Journal

To publish original and unpublished research that promotes the debate and diffusion of studies and research in several areas of philosophy, considering the different tendencies, themes, and approaches of contemporary philosophical knowledge.


To become internationally recognized as a reference journal in the field of philosophy, disseminating philosophical knowledge and specialized debate.

Focus and Scope

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy (Qualis A1) is a publication in continuous format of the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR). Since 1988, it has been publishing research results to collaborate with the preparation and performance of philosophers and other professionals in related areas.

Bibliometric Indicators

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy, currently Qualis A1, is present in the main international indexers: SCOPUS(CiteScore), Web of Science (Impact Factor), Google Scholar, Redalyc, and Redib.

Indexation Sources

Bibliographic record

Journal title: Revista de Filosofia Aurora
Short title: Filos. Aurora (Online)
Publication of: Curitiba PR: PUCPRESS (Social Reason Associação Paranaense de Cultura)
Periodicity: Annual
Publication type: Continuous publication
Year of publication: 1988

Website and Social media

Manuscript Submission System / Instructions to Authors

 When submitting a manuscript, the standardization criteria in the files available on the Journal's website must be considered. In addition, the authors must: 

  1. hold a doctoral degree and be fully responsible for the published content;
  2. maintain the anonymity of the authors, including possible references that should be suppressed;
  3. send the manuscript containing up to 7 thousand words and 5 keywords;
  4. align the manuscript with the principles, policies, and mission of the Journal;
  5. Identify in the submission form the individual contribution of each author, who must, as a minimum: a. have actively participated in the discussion of the results and b. in the review and approval of the manuscript’s final version. The Journal adopts CRediT Taxonomy to represent the information on the individual contribution of the authors;
  6. ensure manuscript compliance with Open Science and good practices;
  7. indicate whether the manuscript has been submitted to the Preprints system and is in agreement with the Open Peer Review Process;
  8. accept the Journal's Copyright Policy: the copyright of the published manuscript remains with the Author, and the Journal maintains the right of first publication;
  9. articipate in the Final Revision and Approval of the manuscript before its definitive publication;
  10. strictly adhere to the standardization of references available on the Journal's webpage: TEMPLATE and bibliographical references ABNT-NBR 6023-2018.

The Aurora Journal does not charge a submission or publication fee for submitted manuscripts (articles, reviews, interviews). 

Peer Review

The Journal publishes scientific articles, reviews, translations, and interviews adopting the peer review process among members of the board of reviewers or the specialized scientific community in a double-blind review system, that is, both the names of the reviewers and the authors will remain confidential. All reviewers are linked to Brazilian or foreign universities, and the processes will respect the following criteria:

  1.  After manuscript submission, the editors will send the document to 2 reviewers within ten days;
  2. The reviewers will have 21 days to send their review, marked as i. Approved for Publication; ii. Not Approved for Publication; iii. Modifications necessary for a new evaluation;
  3. If there is a tie in the technical result sent by the reviewer, the editors will send it to a third reviewer, who will also have a period of 21 twenty-one days;
  4. In the case of a review requesting modifications for a new review, the author will have a period of 30 days to resubmit the manuscript;
  5. Authors who do not meet the above criteria will automatically be rejected;
  6. The above deadlines may vary depending on the operational capacity of the Journal and on the sending of the reviews.

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy, following the recommendations and policies of Open Science, publishes manuscripts deposited in Open Repositories (SciELO Data, bioRxiv, Preprints, among others), as well as submits its articles to the Peer and Blind Review process. Besides, it discloses in each issue published:

  • the name of the Editor in charge;
  • the list of Referees responsible for the Evaluation of the manuscripts - identified with their respective ORCID - as well as, when necessary and by common agreement, the opening of identities between the author and the referees; and
  • the Manuscript's reviews.


Conflict of Interest on the part of Authors, Proofreaders, and Reviewers

Authors, proofreaders, and reviewers must immediately inform the editors if they have personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts in the manuscript evaluation. Thus, the Authors must communicate such an impediment at submission, while the referees must do so on the form. The manuscript review form has a "Conflict of Interest" option, at which point the proofreader/review may decline/refuse to participate in the review process.


Instructions to authors after manuscript approval

The Aurora Journal adopts the following criteria to communicate to the authors the manuscript's approval:

    1. After receiving the Opinions from the blind and peer review, the Editors will communicate the response and result to the Authors;
    2. In the case of approval, the manuscript will be immediately sent to the Journal's technical review and layout teams. Afterward, the Authors will receive the manuscript to approve, reject, or suggest new and punctual corrections in the text, which must be returned to the Editors within ten days;
    3. Once the Authors have approved the technical and diagrammatic revision work, the manuscripts will be sent to the Editorial Board for Publication;
    4. The guidelines of COPE (Committee of Ethics in Publication) and the Council of Science Editors are followed for the correction of manuscripts (Errata, Retraction, and Expression of concern) after their electronic Publication.
    5. The editors will analyze all requests that point out publication problems, thus adopting the Journal's commitment to ethics and current legislation in Brazil at the moment of acknowledging the act.


The average time between submission and reviewer response is 90 days. The average time between approval of the article and its Publication is 180 (one hundred and eighty) days. In addition, it may suffer alterations due to editorial processes such as grammar revision, layout, and XML markup.

Checking for Plagiarism and Text Exclusivity

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy uses the Ithenticate plagiarism identification program at the assignment stage. In addition, the Aurora Journal requires that the manuscript must not have been submitted to any other journal. Submission of work outside of these conditions will automatically suspend the author from publishing in the Journal. 

Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction

The Editorial Committee is committed to impersonality, transparency, and confidentiality in evaluations, preserving the rights of reviewers, authors, and institutions involved in the editorial process.

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal are examined using plagiarism detection software (Ithenticate). If plagiarism, self-plagiarism (text recycling), or redundant publication is identified, the editors will take action following the guidelines of the Editorial Ethics Committee - COPE and will consider the possibility of suspending the evaluation process or retracting a publication (in Errata format).


 Continuous Publication – starting in 2023.

Open Access Policy

This Journal offers immediate free access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. The Aurora Journal of Philosophy does not charge fees for processing and submission to authors. The rights to explore the contents of the articles belong to the Aurora Journal, and its sharing or citation is allowed within the current legal norms. This Journal uses the 4.0 International – Creative Commons license.

The datasets generated by the research must be stored in a repository; here is a list of recommended repositories and their citation and reference performed following the Research Data Citation Guide, made available by SciELO.

Charging of Fees

The Aurora Journal of Philosophy does not charge fees for processing and submission to authors.



The journal is financed by funding agencies such as CAPES and CNPq, as well as by the Pro-Rectory of Research of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná and the Postgraduate Program in Philosophy of PUCPR. The journal maintains a cooperation program with the PUCPRess publisher, responsible for the processes of revision and editorial typing. 

Currently, the Aurora Journal has active financing in the CNPq Call 15/2021 - Process 402445/2021-0 and Call 16/2022 - beginning of term Jan.2023.


Aurora Journal of Philosophy

Founded in 1988 as Revista de Filosofía da PUCPR (PUCPR Journal of Philosophy) to constitute an open channel for disseminating philosophy research, especially local production not concerned with adopting thematic focuses. However, from 1998 on, the PUCPR Philosophy Course started demanding a higher qualification regarding intellectual production, mainly due to the maturation of research groups and dialogue with other research centers in philosophy. Such changes had repercussions on the Journal, which underwent a maturation process, from restructuring the editorial board to rigorous article selection, predominantly from researchers outside PUCPR. Such growth, in which the Journal played an important role, culminated in presenting a Master in Philosophy project approved by CAPES in 2003. Because of this, the activities of the Master's program, which began in 2004, especially those linked to research projects developed jointly with researchers from other institutions, have boosted the Journal's growth.

At this point, the Journal expanded, even more, its initial purpose, to present itself as a channel for the dissemination of quality research in philosophy, available not only to the local philosophical community but also from all over the country and abroad, offering this same community different types of bibliographic production such as dossiers, diversified articles, reviews, essays, and dissertation abstracts. However, the evolution sequence of the Journal did not stop here, reaching its apex from the second half of 2006 onwards due to the combination of two factors, namely: the re-articulation of the productions classified under the dossier and continuous-flow rubrics, as well as reviews; the revision of its layout and layout, including an electronic version.

At the beginning of 2008, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy became a reference in the national philosophical scenario through its new publication policies. This was also confirmed with the opening of the Doctorate in Philosophy at PUCPR in 2012. This fact represented a new step in the qualitative effort that marked the Journal's trajectory. Currently, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy has sought to meet the policies adopted by national and international indexers and strengthen ties with researchers and research groups from foreign universities to internationalize its publications increasingly.

From 2023, the Aurora Journal of Philosophy will adopt the Continuous Publication format.