A aprendizagem e serviço solidário como efetivação da missão das universidades católicas junto ao Pacto Educativo Global





This study investigates how the methodology of Learning and Solidarity Service can contribute to the fulfillment of the mission of Catholic universities, aligning with the guidelines of Pope Francis in the Global Educational Pact. Through a critical analysis of the literature, we observe that the mission of Catholic universities is updated in the light of the Global Educational Pact, which serves as a catalyst for the renewal of these institutions in the face of contemporary challenges. In this context, the methodology of Learning and Solidarity Service emerges as a crucial tool to promote a comprehensive and transformative education, integrating the educational objectives of theoretical disciplines with community practice. This facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experiences, contributing to the transformation of students, the university, and society as a whole. The article begins by presenting the identity and mission of Catholic universities in response to current challenges. Next, the importance of the Global Educational Pact is examined, highlighting its main aspects and its relationship with higher education. Finally, we analyze how the methodology of Learning and Solidarity Service can be an innovative tool to fulfill the educational mission of Catholic universities, empowering students to contribute to the construction of a fairer and more supportive world, in accordance with the principles of the Global Educational Pact and the Church's mission in constant process of "going out".


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Author Biography

João Elton Jesus, Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap

Mestrando em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap, Especialista em Juventude no Mundo Contemporâneo e Licenciado em Filosofia pela Faculdade Jesuíta de Filosofia e Teologia - FAJE, Bacharel em Administração com ênfase em Marketing pelo Centro Universitário Anhanguera . Pesquisa nas áreas de juventude, sexualidade, fenomenologia, ética e corporeidade. Atualmente colabora na Universidade Católica de Pernambuco - Unicap por meio do Instituto Humanitas na coordenação do Programa de Voluntariado Universitário Unicap e Ministrando cursos e minicursos de extensão sobre desenvolvimento humano, espiritualidade e Projeto de Vida. Tem experiência com Gestão de Pessoas, principalmente nas áreas de Treinamento e desenvolvimento



How to Cite

Jesus, J. E. (2024). A aprendizagem e serviço solidário como efetivação da missão das universidades católicas junto ao Pacto Educativo Global. Pistis Praxis, 16(2), 221–233. https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.16.002.DS02