About the disregard of legal entity doctrine in Brazilian anti-corruption act (Law no. 12,846/2013)


  • José Sérgio da Silva Cristóvam Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Gustavo Costa Ferreira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




federal law n. 12.846/13, anti-corruption, constitutionalization of Law, sanctioning Administrative Law, disregard of legal entity doctrine.


The purpose of this review is to analyze the disregard of the legal entity provision in the Brazilian Anti-Corruption Law (Law no. 12,846/13), intended to sanction juristic persons for harmful acts against the Public Administration. It aims to establish criteria for the interpretation and application of the disregard provision in study. In order to do so, we reviewed the birth context of the aforementioned federal law, we studied the constitutionalization of law phenomenon and its contribution to the structuring of a Punitive Administrative legal regime. Therefore, essentials concepts and premises to this investigation were established in light of the Punitive Administrative Law. Then, a necessary introduction was made to the disregard of legal person technique in Brazilian legislation. Finally, we suggested criteria for the interpretation and application of article 14, of the Law 12,846/13.


Não há dados estatísticos.

Biografia do Autor

José Sérgio da Silva Cristóvam, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Adjunct Professor of Administrative Law at the Graduate Program and Postgraduate Program in Law at the PPGD/UFSC. Doctorate in Administrative Law from UFSC (2014), with PhD Sandwich at the University of Lisbon - Portugal (2012). Master in Constitutional Law from UFSC (2005). Specialist in Administrative Law at CESUSC (2003). Founding member and President of the Catarinense Institute of Public Law (ICDP). Founding member of the Administrative Law Institute of Santa Catarina (IDASC) and the Catarinense Academy of Electoral Law (ACADE). Member of the Santa Catarina Institute of Lawyers (IASC). State Counsel of Santa Catarina’s Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SC). President of the OAB Administrative Law Commission. President of the OAB/SC’s Access to Justice Commission. Member of the Constitutional Law Commission of OAB/SC. Coordinator of the Group of Studies in Public Law of CCJ/UFSC (GEDIP/CCJ/UFSC). E-mail: [email protected]

Gustavo Costa Ferreira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Master in Administrative Law in the Postgraduate Program in Law at UFSC (2019). Bachelor in Law from UFSC. Postgraduate in Public Law by CESUSC Faculty. Postgraduate in Tax Law from UNIDERP/LFG. Specialist in Tax Planning by IBET/SC. Specialist in Compliance by Fundação Getúlio Vargas de São Paulo - GVLAW. Vice-president of the Public Morality Comission of Santa Catarina’s Brazilian Bar Association (OAB/SC). E-mail: [email protected]


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Como Citar

CRISTÓVAM, José Sérgio da Silva; FERREIRA, Gustavo Costa. About the disregard of legal entity doctrine in Brazilian anti-corruption act (Law no. 12,846/2013). Revista de Direito Econômico e Socioambiental, Curitiba, v. 11, n. 1, p. 188–213, 2020. DOI: 10.7213/rev.dir.econ.soc.v11i1.25800. Disponível em: https://periodicos.pucpr.br/direitoeconomico/article/view/25800. Acesso em: 23 fev. 2025.


