Ingestive behavior of goats under four grazing conditions
Aruana grass. Forage mass. Leaf mass. Limpograss. Sward height.Resumo
This study aimed to assess the sward characteristics and the ingestive behavior of mature goats grazingAruana grass (Panicum maximum cv. Aruana) and limpograss (Hemarthria altissima cv. Florida) under lowand high sward heights. The structural and morphological characteristics of the pasture were assessed, aswell as the ingestive behavior of the animals for 24 hours. The animals had free access to the four swardconditions during the trial period. The forage allowance (FA) showed minimum value (P=0.0002) of 3.9%BW in DM/day for low Aruana and maximum value of 12.5% BW in for high limpograss. The leaf allowance(LA) showed a similar response to the FA, with a minimum (P=0.0012) of 1.7% BW in forlow Aruana and maximum of 3.1% BW in for high limpograss. Grazing time was longer (P<0.0001)in high Aruana and high limpograss, in which the leaf mass was similar (high Aruana = 1282 kg DM.ha-1)or superior (high limpograss = 1773 kg DM.ha-1) to the average leaf mass of the pasture (1335 kg DM.ha-1).It was concluded that mature goats graze for longer periods in high-height swards with higher forage andleaf masses. The criteria chosen for pasture areas to be explored are based on these characteristics, underwhich goats sought to maximize the intake of high quality forage. Grazing activity followed a similar patternof other domestic herbivores (cattle, sheep and horses), but goats did not interrupt this activity during the hottest hours of the day. The activities of rumination and rest occurred for prolonged periods and withhigher frequency during night and late night.Downloads
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da Silva CJA, Dittrich JR, Monteiro ALG, Fernandes SR, Pinto PHN, Schmidt P. Ingestive behavior of goats under four grazing conditions. Rev. Acad. Ciênc. Anim. [Internet]. 15º de julho de 2014 [citado 6º de março de 2025];12(3):173-80. Disponível em: