Evangelization and its challenges in times of artificial intelligence.



The COVID-19 pandemic challenged catechesis to launch itself into the digital world and occupy spaces, until then, unknown to the vast majority of catechists, as the need to virtualize catechetical activities and the impossibility of celebrating the sacraments in person, brought questions arise about what is essential in the catechesis meeting and about the place of the sacramental celebration in catechetical itineraries. Can we evangelize through social media? Is it possible to talk about virtual or online catechesis? And can the training of catechists be virtualized? The space of social media can be an instrument to reach those most distant, but at the same time it can make it difficult to establish community ties. The objective of this communication is to reflect on the contribution that social media offers to catechesis and the processes of initiation into the Christian life, relating the challenges that online catechesis can bring to catechetical itineraries. The methodology will be based on reflection based on reading catechetical documents and scientific articles on the topic. It is possible to use the virtual space for training with catechists and other activities with those being catechized and their families. However, we must be careful not to think that the virtual world can completely replace catechetical meetings.


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How to Cite

Lima, D. R. P. de, & Barbosa, E. G. (2023). Evangelization and its challenges in times of artificial intelligence. Caderno Teológico Da PUCPR, 8(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.pucpr.br/cadernoteologico/article/view/31261