

This paper will deal with spirituality in the Christian aspect in the theological expressions of frontier: Feminist Theology and Black Theology. And based on these, an LGBTQIANP+ Theology, contextualize the reality of this universe, its history, the discriminations, and the places of speech, and finally, the needs of as a person, of its relationship with the divine. The purpose is to present, through articles and academic documentation, the presence of an existing and active spirituality during the LGBTQIAPN+ community. The content analysis method was used, within the Theologies of Gender, with an exposition of theological concepts and what resonates in the experience for the LBGTQIAPN+ group. The analysis showed reactions to the existence of theologies that are specific to this or that reality, reflections of experiences, feelings and experiences acquired on the ground of reality, due to the differences that human beings make from others. Thus, LGBTQIAPN+ individuals, like women, blacks, or any member of humanity, always seek this connection of answers and relief, of wills and needs with this divine that is always ready to welcome.


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Author Biography

Andreia Cristina Serrato, Pontificia Universidade Católica - PR

[1] Doutora na área de Teologia Sistemática - é professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Teologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Na graduação leciona as disciplinas de Introdução à Teologia, Antropologia Teológica, Teologia da Espiritualidade, Mariologia, Sacramentos de Iniciação, Teologia e Sociedade. 



How to Cite

Oliveia, M., & Serrato, A. C. (2023). É CORRETO AFIRMAR QUE EXISTE UMA ESPIRITUALIDADE LGBTQIANP+?. Caderno Teológico Da PUCPR, 8(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.pucpr.br/cadernoteologico/article/view/31060