Crianças autistas: como terapeutas lidam com os comportamentos autolesivos e heterolesivos?




Self-injurious and aggressive behaviors in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are common and pose a significant challenge for health professionals working with this population. This study aimed to investigate how intern therapists and psychologists deal with self-injurious and aggressive behaviors in children with ASD. Adopting a qualitative approach, the research involved the participation of 10 professionals (5 psychology interns and 5 psychologists) from a private clinic specialized in the ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) method for treating children with ASD. Data were collected through interviews and subjected to analysis by Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC), facilitated by the IRaMuTeQ software. The DHC resulted in 4 classes: "Coping and Repercussions," "Challenging Situations," "Positive Coping Strategies," and "Behavior Management at the Time of Occurrence." The results indicate a prevalence of feelings of exhaustion among professionals after therapeutic sessions. Strategies such as mutual protection, attempts to calm the child, seeking help from another therapist, withdrawing to calm down, and using resources to reduce the frequency of behavior emerged as common practices. The study highlights the need for adequate institutional support to minimize feelings of incapacity, insecurity, and frustration among professionals, reinforcing the importance of well-being and adequate preparation of therapists in effectively managing these situations.


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Author Biographies

Carolina Filadelfo Cosme, Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré (UNIVC)

Psicóloga pelo Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré (UNIVC), São Mateus, ES.

Iagor Brum Leitão, Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré (UNIVC)

Psicólogo, professor do curso de psicologia do Centro Universitário Vale do Cricaré (UNIVC) de São Mateus, ES. Mestre e doutorando pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (PPGP/UFES)



How to Cite

Filadelfo Cosme, C., & Brum Leitão, I. (2024). Crianças autistas: como terapeutas lidam com os comportamentos autolesivos e heterolesivos?. Psicologia Argumento, 42(118).