Coping strategies and resilience in workers of a higher education institution during the covid-19 pandemic


  • Murilo zibetti
  • Maria Luiza Fritsch Felippsen
  • Fernanda Serralta
  • Henrique Yung Delbem



Resilience and coping strategies emerges to overcome challenges and adversities, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the isolation measures implemented to prevent its spread. The objective of this study is to qualitatively identify the variety of coping and resilience strategies used by employees of a private higher education institution during the initial stages of the pandemic. Additionally, the study aims to highlight the strategies that could be beneficial for and future events.This study is characterized as a qualitative exploratory research endeavor and involved 208 participants, aged between 20 and 66 years (M = 41.27; SD = 11.20), with a majority being women (150). Participants completed an online survey that included questions about their demographic information, exposure to COVID-19, and an open-ended question to assess the coping strategies they utilized. To analyze the data, the Consensus Qualitative Research Method for Simple Qualitative Data (CQR-M) was employed. The survey garnered responses from 201 participants. The analysis resulted in the identification of 5 domains and their respective categories, reflecting the activities and strategies employed by participants to address the challenges that arose during the pandemic. These domains are as follows: Cognitive Reassessment (7 categories), Search for Social Interaction (3 categories), Health Promotion Activities, Well-being, and Self-Care (5 categories), Avoidance (3 categories), and Routine Management and Execution (3 categories). The results reveal a wide range of coping strategies that can be valuable during times of adversity and may suggest more adaptive strategies for future promotion among this population.


Keywords: Adaptation, Psychological; Resilience, Psychological; Coping Strategies; COVID-19; Pandemics


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How to Cite

zibetti, M., Fritsch Felippsen, M. L., Serralta, F., & Yung Delbem, H. (2024). Coping strategies and resilience in workers of a higher education institution during the covid-19 pandemic. Psicologia Argumento, 42(116).