Effectiveness of psychoeducation and emotion recognition training in women with postpartum depression: a preliminary study
Postpartum depression. Psychoeducation. Intervention. Mother-infant relationship.Abstract
The negative effects of Postpartum Depression (PD) are found in the health of the mother, the infant and the relationship between the dyad. The negative factors in the mother-infant relationship seem to be important mediators of the consequences of PD in child development. Thus, for an intervention to be considered effective, it should bring benefits to both the mother's health and to the quality of the dyad relationship. Objective: To verify the effectiveness of psychoeducation and emotion recognition training in the quality of mother-infant interaction in mothers with PD. Psychoeducation aims to address typical developmental issues, while training emphasizes the processing of maternal faces. Method: 14 mothers with PD participated in a case-control study with three comparison groups: psychoeducation, speech emotion training, and a waiting list. Pre and post-intervention evaluations were performed. Results: Positive effects of an increase in accuracy in the recognition of adult happy faces in mothers who participated in the all groups was found, with a decrease in accuracy of anger and sad faces. Participation in the Psychoeducation group presented a positive effect on the maternal dimensions of proximity and relaxation evaluated in the mother-infant relationship. Conclusions: psychoeducation had an improvement in the quality of the mother-infant relationship when compared to the other groups. Further studies with larger sample sizes are needed in order to confirm the effects found.
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