Rm 10,5-15
Traduction and rethorical impact
The Holy Scriptures fascinate millions of people and, over them, there are dedication and efforts by exegetes, biblical theologians, sociologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, etc. While some of them work using the original language texts (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek), others use vernacular translations. The fact is that a translation, no matter how faithful it tries to be, in a way, it is an interpretation, due to the terminological choice of the target language, which is not always able to achieve the polysemy of the text in the original language. The prologue of the book of Ecclesiasticus already pointed to this. So, as much as translators try and try to be “impartial”, there are hermeneutical assumptions that are hardly left aside in the act of translating. There is not, so to speak, a complete objective translation. In this sense, the present paper proposes to offer a segmented translation of Rm 10,5-15 from the Koine Greek with which it was written, followed by a syntactic-grammatical analysis, seeking to verify the internal logic of the terminology used in the elaboration of the propositions, allowing the translation to be as consistent as possible with the original meaning. Furthermore, the article submits the text in question, from a methodological point of view, to Greco-Latin and Semitic rhetorical analysis, since in Rom 10,5-15 there are several quotations and allusions to Old Testament texts. It is believed that the adoption of these procedures is valid to obtain a translation more consistent with the original language and with the meanings that were intended by the author.
Keywords: Bible. Religious literature. Linguistics. Methodology. Translation.
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