Chivalry, Piety and Empire
Sir Galahad as motif in the work of the English Methodist artist Frank Owen Salisbury (1874-1962)
Linguagens da religião, cultura visual religiosa, Frank Owen Salisbury, metodismo inglês, cavaleiro Galahad.Abstract
The article presents an English evangelical reading of the Knight Galahad motif of King Arthur's Round Table in the first part of the twentieth century, focusing on the special approach of the English Methodist painter Frank Owen Salisbury (1874-1962). The context of this English mythological figure's integration into religious discourses, part of his literary rediscovery around 1850, goes through his link with Catholic eucharistic theology and arrives in English Protestantism as a symbol of a virtuous man and is found in paintings, lithographs and stained glass. Among the various Methodist artists, Frank Owen Salisbury (1874-1962) stood out at the time, nationally and internationally. Within the Methodist Church in England, the Knight Galahad motif is cherished by the British Methodist youth association, the "Wesley's Guild", founded in 1895, where it serves as a model of piety and holiness. Under this Methodist influence, Salisbury used the motif in his home ornamentation (1932 painting), in a stained glass window in John Wesley Church, London (1932), in a Congregational Youth Chapel (1932) and in a book on the Father Ours (1948). A national myth was integrated into the biblical-Christian and denominational narrative to strengthen the British Methodist denominational identity and this process was accompanied and consolidated by the creation and acceptance of the respective visual culture created by Francis Owen Salisbury.
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