Sobrecarga de mães de pessoas com deficiˆˆência




Introduction: Many mothers of children with disabilities bear the responsibility of taking care of their child alone, leaving no free time for them to take better care of themselves, which can generate physical and psychological burdens. Objective: to investigate the level of overload of these mothers and its relationship with the level of maternal spiritual well-being and the level of dependence of children with disabilities. Materials and methods: 45 mothers from a rehabilitation center in the city were interviewed. Socioeconomic questions were used to characterize the sample and the instruments: Assessment of caregiver burden, Assessment of spiritual well-being and assessment of the child’s degree of dependence in which descriptive analyzes were carried out. Results: Around 55.5% of mothers did not have a partner (they were divorced, single or widowed), 71.4% lived on up to 2 minimum wages, 62.3% did not have paid work. In relation to their children, 40% needed help with 50% of their daily tasks and 28.9% showed complete independence. The values presented for the level of spiritual well-being were moderate to high (15.5% and 84.5, respectively). Final considerations: There were low levels of mother overload and children’s dependence and a high level of spiritual well-being. Among the overburdened mothers, there was a prevalence of mothers over the age of 48, who did not have paid work and with a low level of income and education.

Keywords: Mothers, caregiver burden, children with disabilities, spirituality



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Author Biographies

Aline alves Ferreira de Rezende, Unicamp

Psychologist, economist and Phd student at FOP/UNICAMP – area: Public Health

Rosana de Fátima Possobom, UNICAMP

Professor of the Applied Psychology area of ​​the Dentistry course at FOP/UNICAMP



How to Cite

de Castro Soares de Barros , B., alves Ferreira de Rezende, A., Maria de Castro Soares de Barros , R., Laura Cortellazzi , K., & de Fátima Possobom, R. (2025). Sobrecarga de mães de pessoas com deficiˆˆência. Psicologia Argumento, 43(120).