Domestic violence against women in the covid-19 pandemic




The study sought to understand the impact of social distancing, as a biosafety measure to prevent Covid-19, in the scenario of domestic violence against women. Qualitative research was carried out using semi-structured interviews with five women who had experienced domestic violence during the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. The data obtained was analyzed using nuclei of meaning based on the assumptions of socio-historical psychology. The following nuclei were formed: a) Violence experienced and the impact on the subjectivity of the participants, b) Living with the perpetrators of aggression during the Covid-19 pandemic and psychosocial elements that maintain domestic violence. The social isolation imposed by Covid-19 resulted in a situation of greater vulnerability for women experiencing domestic violence. There was also an increase and worsening of violence, especially moral and psychological violence.


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Author Biography

Jordanna Leonel de Andrade, Universidade Federal de Catalão

Psicóloga formada pela Universidade Federal de Catalão.



How to Cite

Leonel de Andrade, J., & Machiavelli Carmo Souza, T. (2024). Domestic violence against women in the covid-19 pandemic. Psicologia Argumento, 42(118).