Violence against People with Intellectual Disabilities in Northern Portugal




The present study investigated violence against people with intellectual disabilities in the contemporary context. Violence is an ancient phenomenon that has been preserved over time. The more stressed society is in its material and psychological conditions to provide the population with a dignified life, there is a greater propensity for violence, especially against people who have socially devalued differences, similar to people with intellectual disabilities. The investigation was carried out in the northern region of Portugal and used different data collection techniques: focus groups, semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. The research subjects were 17 young people (18-29 years old), 17 adults (30-59 years old) and two elderly people (over 60 years old). The data collected privileged the testimonies of people with intellectual disabilities, those responsible for organizations and specialists in the field of violence. The existence of violence was perceived, especially against women with intellectual disabilities; the aggressors, in general, were older than the victims and less educated; many of the attackers were relatives or companions of the Victims.


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Author Biographies

José Leon Crochík, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

Professor Sênior do Instituto de Psicologia da USP

Luísa Martins Fernandes, Universidade do Minho

- Investigadora Colaboradora do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho, Formadora e Docente de Educação Especial.

Maria Rosalina Afonso Rodas Veiga, Universidade do Minho

Investigadora Colaboradora do Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade da Universidade do Minho, Formadora e Docente de Educação Especial.

Jaciete Barbosa dos Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Professora Titular da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), docente do Colegiado de Pedagogia e do Programa de Pós-Graduação Educação e Contemporaneidade (PPGEDUC-UNEB).

Silvio Roberto Silva Carvalho, Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisas Inclusão e Sociedade, vinculado ao Ppgeduc/Uneb



How to Cite

Crochík, J. L., Fernandes, L. M., Veiga, M. R. A. R., Santos, J. B. dos, & Carvalho, S. R. S. (2024). Violence against People with Intellectual Disabilities in Northern Portugal. Psicologia Argumento, 42(117).