Mobile Gaming Addiction’s relationship with Mental Health and Well-being: A Systematic Review




With the expansion in smartphone use, new challenges arise regarding the healthy use of these technologies. One of them is mobile gaming addiction. Therefore, the present study aimed to carry out a systematic review focusing on the relationship between this variable, mental health and well-being. Studies from the last five years, published in Portuguese, English or Spanish on the Scopus, PsycInfo, Lilacs and Scielo platforms, were considered. 13 studies composed the final sample, demonstrating the impacts of addiction on: psychopathological symptoms, loneliness, low academic performance, low self-control, frustration of psychological needs, socio-emotional difficulties and physical symptoms. The need for studies on the topic in the Latin American context is highlighted, as well as interventions focused on mobile gaming addiction and their negative impacts.


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How to Cite

Silva Santos, I. L., Nascimento de Lima, D. C., & Pimentel, C. E. (2024). Mobile Gaming Addiction’s relationship with Mental Health and Well-being: A Systematic Review. Psicologia Argumento, 42(117).