Characterization of studies on sexual and gender prejudice in Brazil




The high rates of violence against the LGBTQIAP+ population may derive from sexual and gender prejudice. Thus, evaluating and characterizing prejudice favors the refinement of the research carried out and the elaboration of anti-discrimination interventions. The aim of this study was to review the Brazilian literature on the assessment of sexual and gender bias. The PRISMA guidelines were followed in the search and selection of articles published between 2012 and 2022 in the Scielo and BVS-Psi (Virtual Health Library) databases; 28 studies became the target of this review. Overall, 9,530 people were evaluated, mainly undergraduate students, high school students, health and education professionals. Mostly the surveys: use qualitative designs, have low characterization of the participants regarding the social marker of race, the target population is young people and adults, and do not use instruments that measure implicit prejudice. In summary, it was identified that family and school spaces appeared as maintainers and producers of lgbtphobic violence, and the male population had higher rates of prejudice. In addition, several studies have linked mental health impairments of the LGBTQIAP+ population to prejudice against this population. Based on the results of this review, future research may take into account some methodological gaps such as the characterization and selection of participants, explore other instruments and methods for measuring prejudice and outline specific interventions to reduce it.


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How to Cite

Augusto Monteiro Cravo, F., & Bento Verderamis, P. (2023). Characterization of studies on sexual and gender prejudice in Brazil. Psicologia Argumento, 41(114).