The Baalization of Yahweh from a decolonial perspective
This article analyzes the transformation that took place in Israel's religion - especially in the worship of Baal and Yahweh - in the process of establishing monolatry in Israel, through the violent religious and political intervention of kings Hezekiah (716 - 687 BC) and Josiah (640 - 609 BC). These two kings aimed to put an end to the ancient and traditional religious life of Judah and Israel, in which there was a great diversity of places of worship, various gods and goddesses, many priestly families and a variety of mediators of liturgies and cults. They centralized Jerusalem as the only permitted place of worship (Deut 12:1-12) and determined the cult of Yahweh as the only God of Israel (Deut 13:1-18), forbidding the worship of other deities, banning and destroying their images and shrines, even killing priests. As a result, the attributions of the now forbidden ancient deities - who "took care" of part of the people's vital needs, such as the fertility of the fields, people and animals - had to be transferred, in the official religion, to Yahweh. This article focuses on the transfer of Baal's attributes and functions to Yahweh. Yahweh, now "officialized" as the only Divinity of Israel, will have to take care of the functions previously performed by all the forbidden Gods and Goddesses. Crucial to the imposition of monolatry, the transposition of Baal's attributes onto Yahweh, this article works especially on the book of Deuteronomy, more specifically on the "blessings" and "curses" (Deut 28) contained in the covenant that establishes Yahweh as Israel's only God, and Israel as Yahweh's exclusive people (Deut 26:16-19). Since official worship, whether of Yahweh, Baal or another deity, always has the same function: to legitimize the projects and interests of the elite represented at court, a decolonial theology should therefore be based not on official theology, but on the vital theology that spread the cult of this deity, making it extremely popular and important.
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