Global Compact on Education and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Integral Ecology in Education




The article addresses the contemporary challenges of education, especially in relation to that is called Artificial Intelligence (AI). The ability to use digital means does not necessarily imply their correct and wise use, which directs the educational challenge towards promoting a culture of digital wisdom that involves both the mind and the heart of individuals in the process. In recent years, the Catholic Church, through the Popes, has shown openness to the digital revolution, recognizing it as a valuable tool for evangelization. However, it also warns about the need for responsible use of social networks and other digital technologies. The article questions the appropriateness of the term "artificial intelligence" and whether it is correct to call this technology "intelligence". Given the indiscriminate use of AI, a major challenge for educators is how to remain fully human and not become machines ourselves. The text concludes by presenting important and innovative pedagogical trends that, in line with the requirements of the Global Pact on Education, the challenges of Integral Ecology, and COP 30, are profoundly influencing the way education is delivered and perceived. These trends lead to the need to rethink and reinvent education in our time.


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Author Biography

Ezio Lorenzo Bono, Universidade Livre Maria Santíssima Assunta

Filósofo, Teólogo e Pedagogo. Doutor em Educação e pesquisador da Universidade Livre Maria Santíssima Assunta. É religioso-sacerdote da Congregação da Sagrada Família e atua junto ao Dicastério para a Cultura e Educação onde integra o comitê para o Pacto Educativo Global



How to Cite

Bono, E. L. (2024). Global Compact on Education and the challenges of Artificial Intelligence and Integral Ecology in Education. Pistis Praxis, 16(2), 208–220.