Comunicação, polêmicas e fake news

a revolução midiática nos séculos 15 e 16




The invention of the press by mobile metal types by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century initiated a media revolution that would bring forth a new generation of “printing natives”. The Reformers, especially Martin Luther, soon recognized the enormous potential this new technology had and used it to propagate the Bible as well as their own writings, making Luther the most printed single author in the 16th century. He understood this to be of God’s own will and making. Such wide dissemination was a decisive element for the survival and success of the Reformation. Like the more recent digital revolution, it produced a gigantic increase in communication, and with it also of polemics and fake news. However, Luther also had opponents – including the Qur’an – reprinted for better effect of argument.


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Author Biography

Thomas Kaufmann, Universität Göttingen




How to Cite

Kaufmann, T. (2024). Comunicação, polêmicas e fake news: a revolução midiática nos séculos 15 e 16. Pistis Praxis, 16(1), 54–67.