Luther's excommunication

historical-theological elements for a review of its meaning in our days




The article aims to analyze historical and theological elements in Luther’s excommunication, asking about the meaning of its continuity today. It shows that controversies over indulgences were just the backdrop against which Luther proposed reforms in the Church of his time, which were not accepted and led Leo X to excommunicate him. Using the research method of qualitative analysis of the bibliography on the proposed topic, the study points out ways for a review of excommunication today. The conclusion is that current progress in historical and theological research, as well as in ecumenical dialogue, indicates possibilities of recognizing elements of Catholic faith in Luther and of Luther's faith in the papal document that excommunicates him, the Exsurge Domine. Much of the Reformation can be welcomed as a common heritage for Catholics and Protestants, enabling today a better understanding of the person of Luther and his Theses, which creates the basis for a review and even the declaration of nullity of excommunication for the present day.


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Author Biography

Elias Wolff, Pontifícia Universidade Católica da Paraná PUC PR

Teologia e Ciências das Religiões



How to Cite

Wolff, E. (2024). Luther’s excommunication: historical-theological elements for a review of its meaning in our days. Pistis Praxis, 16(1), 37–53.