Homeless population and social control





This article approaches public policies for unhoused population from the perspective of social control, with the aim of analyzing how government has met (or not) the demands of this population. The methodology used was exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative approach, based on participant observation in activities of entities that exercise social control. The results indicates that public policies for unhoused population are not effective. Among the reasons lies the lack of knowledge of the real demands of this population, which accuses the public administration of lack of interest and disrespect for human rights. It appears that the insufficiency and/or inefficiency of public policies aggravates the vulnerability of this population. It is concluded that social control actors have a negative perception of public services aimed for the unhoused population. On the other hand, this population seeks to work with the government for more effective policy making.


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Author Biographies

Julia Mezarobba Caetano Ferreira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR)

Mestre em bioética pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, graduada em Psicologia pela mesma instituição.

João Victor Silva, Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe

Mestre em Ensino das Ciências da Saúde pelas Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe, graduado em Psicologia pela mesma instituição

Leide Conceição Sanches, Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe

Doutora em Sociologia pela UFPR. Docente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Ensino das Ciências da Saúde das Faculdades Pequeno Príncipe.



How to Cite

Ferreira, J. M. C., Silva, J. V., Sanches, L. C., & Sanches, M. A. (2023). Homeless population and social control. Pistis Praxis, 15(2), 206–220. https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.15.002.DS04