
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF.

  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.

  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.

  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

1. Submission

Authors must submit their articles by accessing the online submission link.

Questions regarding the submission process can be explained by e-mail [email protected] (Evelise Souza, editor) or to the address and by the telephone numbers below:

Evelise Souza
1155, Imaculada Conceição Street
Curitiba – Paraná – Brazil
Zip Code: 80215901
Phone: +55 41 32711637
Fax: +55 41 32711405

2. Copyrights

The submission of an article by the authors implies that they automatically agree to transfer the copyrights on the article to Editora Universitária Champagnat in case the article is published. Upon acceptance of the agreement, authors will receive a copyright statement from the Editor’s office, which must be resubmitted after being signed by the main author on behalf of all other authors.

3. Ethical issues

- Authorship

All articles submitted must have been read and approved by all authors. In addition, all authors must agree with the submission of the article. There is no limit for the number of authors. However, in certain cases, the Editor reserves the right to request a statement regarding the individual contribution of each author.

- Acknowledgments

Acknowledgments must include all sources of external support, as well as the persons who contributed to the work.

- Ethics Committee

Articles containing the results of studies involving human beings or animals must include the number of the protocol and a brief reference to the approval of the study by a local Ethics Committee. Clinical cases must contain a brief reference to the consent granted by the patient in a section entitled Informed Consent, included immediately after the Conclusion of an article. A copy of the patient's informed consent must be submitted upon the submission of the article. If any of the photos submitted shows the eyes of the patient and/or an informed consent has not been provided, Editora Champagnat will reserve the right to cancel the publication of the article.

Archives of Oral Research adopts the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) (, a set of recommendations for the publication of randomized controlled studies. Only clinical studies which methodology has been registered will be accepted for publication. The registration number must be included at the end of the Summary, in the section Materials and Methods. For further information on the registration of clinical studies, please go to the following websites:

- Conflicts of Interest

Any trade association that could generate a conflict of interest with respect to an article submitted must be stated in the section Conflicts of Interest. In this case, the corresponding author must request the conflict of interest form to editor Rodrigo Nunes Rached via e-mail ([email protected]), complete it and submit it with the article.

4. Costs

Nearly all articles are publish at no cost to their authors. The publication of color illustrations can be requested to the editor and its cost will be borne by the authors.

5. General formatting

- Title Page in a file separated from the article file.

- Text without page breaks from introduction to references.

- Text with page breaks for the summary and keywords, tables, figures, and legends.

- Size A4, Times New Roman 12 points, justified text.

- Spacing between lines: 1.5 points.

- Side margins: 3.0 cm/upper and lower margins: 2.5 cm.

- Pages must be consecutively numbered starting at Summary.

Title Page

- Title;

- Full name of the authors followed by a superscript lowercase letter and between brackets ([a]) to indicate academic degrees, positions, and institutional affiliations.

- Corresponding author: provide address, telephone, and e-mail address.

- Summary (please refer to the specific formatting below).

- Keywords: three to ten keywords, according to the list issued by the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of Index Medicus.

6. Specific formatting

Original scientific articles

- They describe original and relevant experimental notes sufficiently detailed for their assessment and eventual reproduction of the study.

- No more than 20 typed pages, including the summary and keywords, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments (when necessary), conflicts of interest (when necessary), references, tables, figures, and legends.

- The Summary must contain between 100 and 250 words and be structured in objective(s), material and methods, results, and conclusion.

Critical reviews

- They reflect a comprehensive approach by the authors to a particular topic, rather than a mere sequential summarization of works regarding the literature.

- No more than 33 typed pages, including the summary and keywords, introduction, sources of data, selection of the articles, review, conclusions, acknowledgments (when necessary), conflicts of interest (when necessary), references, tables, figures, and legends.

- Summaries must contain at least 100 and no more than 250 words, and be structured in objective(s), sources of data, selection of articles, and conclusions.

Case reports

- High-impact and clinically significant clinical cases. Cases of widely known clinical conditions will not be accepted.

- They must include a detailed review of the literature, emphasize the clinical relevance and present new protocols or techniques.

- No more than ten typed pages, including the summary and keywords, introduction, the case report, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments (when necessary), conflicts of interest (when necessary), informed consent, references, tables, figures, and legends.

- Summaries must contain at least 50 and no more than 150 words, and be structured in objective, discussion, and conclusion.

Letters to the editor

Brief and occasional comments on articles recently published on the periodical, accompanied with the reply of the authors of the article in point.

7. Tables, Figures, and Legends

- Tables

They must be self-explanatory and informative, without doubling the information contained in the article. They must contain a concise legend. Columns must contain titles that describe the data presented in each one of them. Footers must be included below the table and contain the abbreviations of the table. Include the tables in the same file as the article text.

- Figures

Figures must be saved in .tiff or .jpeg format. Color or gray figures must have at least 300 dpi. Isolated vectorized drawings or those combined with figures must have at least 1,200 dpi. Incorporate the figures in the same file as the article text, as well as save and submit each one of the figures in separate files.

- Legends

Include the legends for the tables and figures at the end of the text of the article’s main file. Legends for the tables must also be typed with their respective tables in the article’s main text.

8. References (

- The standards for the citations of the references of Archives of Oral Research follow the guidelines for authors, editors, and publishers of the National Library of Medicine, available at

- All references must be consecutively number in the order in which they are first cited in the text.

- All references must be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text, and cited between parentheses: (1), (3, 5, 8), (10-15).

- In the text, mention articles written by two authors mentioning both names. For example: "According to Santos e Silva (1)...”. For articles written by three or more authors, mention the first author followed by the expression “et al.”. For example: “Silva et al. (2) noted...".

- Summaries are not accepted as references.

- References of accepted articles pending publication must be mentioned as “in press”; authors must obtain a written authorization to mention the reference, as well as check if it was indeed accepted for publication.

- Avoid mentioning personal communications, unless it provides crucial information unavailable in a public source. In this case, the month/year of the communication must be cited in the text.

- The style and punctuation of the references must follow the formats below. Only mention the first six authors followed by “et al.” when this number is exceeded.

Articles in periodicals

Wenzel A, Fejerskov O. Validity of diagnosis of questionable caries lesions in occlusal surfaces of extracted third molars. Caries Res 1992;26:188-93.

Articles in online periodicals

Baljoon M, Natto S, Bergstrom J. Long-term effect of smoking on vertical periodontal bone loss. J Clin Periodontol [serial on the Internet]. 2005 Jul [cited 2006 June 12];32:789-97. Available at:


Paiva JG, Antoniazzi JH. Endodontia: bases para a prática clínica. 2. ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 1988.

Book chapters

Basbaum AI, Jessel TM. The perception of pain. In: Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessel TM. Principles of neural science. New York: McGraw Hill; 2000. p. 472-91.

Dissertations and thesis

Martin JMH. Efeito protetor de flúor na rugosidade de superfície do esmalte humano submetido a clareadores dentais [dissertation]. Curitiba (PR): School of Dentistry, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná; 2006.

Online documents

Ueki N, Higashino K, Ortiz-Hidalgo CM. Histopathology [monograph online]. Houston: Addison Boocks; 1998. [Accessed on 2001 Jan 27]. Available at

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