The parents of neuroscience and the neuroscience of parents


  • Ilton Santos da Silva
  • Katie Coren Freeman
  • Craig Howard Kinsley


Palabras clave:

History of neuroscience, Phrenology, Nervous system, Maternal brain


Today’s burgeoning science of the mind, neuroscience stands on the shoulders of giants, great minds that have madehistory and still influence present day neurobiology because the strength of their contributions was so widespread andenduring. Our contribution will discuss some of the major forebears of neuroscience, and their continued contribution tothe field. We will trace some of the fundamental roots of the field going back thousands of years, showing a logical connectionbetween thinking of the past and ideas today. We next discuss our present day work and modest contributionsto the thinking about the brain and its natural malleability owing to the events of pregnancy and care of young. Finally,we will talk about what the future of the field may hold as more advancement in technology and apparatus lead us tonew discoveries and insights into our inner universe. Together, we hope to demonstrate that basic ideas and theorizing,first proposed in the vivid imaginations of science giants still hold sway today, influencing thinking and research at thethreshold of the 21st century. A good idea remains a good idea, resistant to time and tide, and available to inspire and guidethinking and theorizing long after its source has disappeared.


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Cómo citar

Silva, I. S. da, Freeman, K. C., & Kinsley, C. H. (2012). The parents of neuroscience and the neuroscience of parents. Estudos De Biologia, 34(83).



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