Granulosa cells tumor in mules
Ovarian Neoplasm, Histologic, Cyclicity, Equus MulusResumo
Due to the current understanding of infertility and absence of ovarian activity in the female mule, scientificmaterial regarding their reproductive tract is lacking. Information regarding evaluation of the reproductivesystem, as well as diagnoses of ovarian neoplasms, is scarce for female mules. The purpose of this paperis to report the first case of granulosa cell tumor (GCT) in a female mule, characterized through histology,which suggests evidence of cyclicity. During the breeding season, within the Southern hemisphere, mules’ovaries were obtained from slaughterhouses. Notably, a pair ovarian rated was remarkable in size (16.5cm in diameter), weight (1.92 kg) as well as number of antral follicles. On sagittal section, the tissue wastrabecular and fluid filled. Histology revealed irregular cyst formations full of amphophilic fluid ranging incolor from pinkish to purple. The granulosa cells showed up in abnormal histology, featuring a granulosacell tumor. The contralateral ovary was evaluated, demonstrating anatomy, weight and granulosa cellsfrom normal. Therefore, we have described the first granulosa cells tumor report in a mule via gross andhistological features, which suggests evidence of cyclicity in female mules.Downloads
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Miguez González S, Bizarro da Silva C, Zandonadi Machado F, Romero Gonçalves G, Silva-Santos KC, Marcondes Seneda M. Granulosa cells tumor in mules. Rev. Acad. Ciênc. Anim. [Internet]. 15º de fevereiro de 2015 [citado 23º de fevereiro de 2025];13. Disponível em: