Muhammad Hamidullah on the Islamic theology of revelation: topics for a discussion on comparative theology


  • César Andrade Alves


Parole chiave:

Fundamental theology. Interreligious dialogue. Theological method. Islam. Muslim theology.


The dialogue of theological exchange, which can be carried out as comparative theology, is one of the four forms of interreligious dialogue encouraged by the magisterium. A subject of great interest to this form of dialogue is divine revelation, within the field of fundamental theology. Regarding this subject, a discussion partner in the dialogue with Islam is Muhammad Hamidullah, one of the most distinguished Muslim scholars of the 20th century, whose work is the object of growing attention. This article has two objectives: (1) to highlight the importance of Hamidullah for a future work within comparative theology; (2) to categorize issues, derived from his analysis of revelation, that will be relevant to a later theological exchange with a Christian theology of revelation of an ecumenical nature in the light of the Second Vatican Council.


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Riferimenti bibliografici

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Come citare

Alves, C. A. (2021). Muhammad Hamidullah on the Islamic theology of revelation: topics for a discussion on comparative theology. Caminhos De Diálogo, 9(14), 84–98.