The Church and the churches: ecclesiological reflections at the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches


  • Graham McGeoch


Mots-clés :

World Council of Churches. Ecclesiology. The Church: towards a common vision. Orthodoxy. Georges Florovsky.


The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a fellowship of churches. However, membership of the fellowship of churches does not imply (tacitly or otherwise) ecclesiological recognition of other member churches. This “ecclesiological tension” has been addressed in a number of ways through the years by the WCC, most notably through the work of the Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the WCC. Since the 9th assembly in Porto Alegre (2006), ecclesiological matters have appeared in assembly statements, and more substantially in the working agenda of Faith and Order. The convergence document, The Church: towards a common vision was received by the WCC Central Committee and sent to the member churches for discussion and response in 2013. The responses were presented and discussed at the 11th assembly in Karlsuhe (2022). This article offers a personal reflection on the eccelsiology and the WCC.


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Comment citer

McGeoch, G. (2022). The Church and the churches: ecclesiological reflections at the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches. Caminhos De Diálogo, 10(17), 234–246.