The international political economy of nature and society: from climate emergency to climate justice in our common home



Mots-clés :

Climate. Greenhouse gas emissions. International political economy. Nature and society. Poverty.


Longitudinal scientific evidence proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the problem of climate change is reaching a point of no return, upon which Earthly and human survival depends. The major contributors of climate change include industry, transportation, agriculture, and consumers, over which corporate globalization controls, which consume fossil fuels, such as oil, coal, and gas that produce greenhouse gases. Climate change impacts access to clean water, human health, forests, coastal areas, biodiversity, and agriculture. Our tasks ahead include: 1) exposing and opposing flawed economic, political, social, cultural, and security models that destroy nature, cause mal-development, and widening the gap between the rich and the poor and 2) proposing new cooperative models that put sustainability and equality—nature and people—first, especially the poor and the oppressed, before profits.


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Comment citer

Ty, R. (2020). The international political economy of nature and society: from climate emergency to climate justice in our common home. Caminhos De Diálogo, 7(11), 172–186.