System Dynamics for Sustainable Transportation Policies: A Systematic Literature Review



Sustainable transportation. Urban mobility. Urban policies. System dynamics. Systematic literature review


Systems Dynamics (SD) is an efficient method that allows to analyze systems with dynamic complexity and policy resistance. The holistic approach of SD is suitable to analyze the current transportation problems. Among the applications of SD in the transportation sector, the use of this tool in the development and implementation of sustainable transport policies stands out. In this context, this paper aims to conduct a systematic literature review to assess the use of SD in the development and implementation of urban policies focused on sustainable transportation. The results show that most studies analyze policies focused on reducing the negative externalities of transportation, highlighting the efforts to reduce air pollutant emissions and traffic congestion. However, we did not find a study that analyzes non-motorized and motorized modes by economic, environmental, social, spatial and traffic variables. At the end of this study, the gaps found in the literature are pointed out, being available to further exploration in future studies.


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Author Biographies

Wlisses Bonelá Fontoura, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Industrial Engineer, Master of Science in Transportation Engineering. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. 2030 Horácio Macedo Ave, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro

Glaydston Mattos Ribeiro, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Civil Engineer, PhD in Applied Computation. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. 2030 Horácio Macedo Ave, Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Fontoura, W. B., & Ribeiro, G. M. (2021). System Dynamics for Sustainable Transportation Policies: A Systematic Literature Review. Revista Brasileira De Gestão Urbana, 13(4). Retrieved from


