Duty, pleasure or addiction? Study of workaholic behavior in bachelors with business administration degree


  • Roberta Mormello
  • Valesca Persch Reichelt




Workaholic. Work addiction. Quality of life at work. Characteristics of workaholic behavior.


The workaholic behavior means addiction to work and it is a poorly researched term academically, but in the praxis of companies it occurs very frequently, even more with the fierce competitiveness, global crisis and constant technological evolutions. Therefore, the principal objective was to analyze characteristics of the workaholic behavior in the bachelors with business administration degree of Rio Grande do Sul state. In the theoretical foundation, issues such as people management, quality of life at work and workaholic behavior itself were addressed. The methodology used for the construction of this research was applied nature and research of quantitative method, besides being a descriptive field research. Data collection was done through a Likert questionnaire which resulted in 233 respondents, all of them bachelors with business administration degree. The results of these data were presented in tables with average and standard deviation, subsequently these data were evaluated through univariate and multivariate analyzes of factorial type. Finally, the obtained results of the research allowed identifying characteristics that researchers have already mentioned and also note the emergence of new ones, combining also the consequences of this behavior in the personal and professional life of the bachelors in business administration of Rio Grande do Sul.


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Biografia do Autor

Roberta Mormello

Bachelor in Business Administration - Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA). Business Analyst in Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), Canoas, RS, Brazil. Email: [email protected]

Valesca Persch Reichelt

Doctor in Business Administration - Getulio Vargas Foundation (EAESP/FGV). Professor in Lutheran University of Brazil (ULBRA), Canoas, RS, Brazil. Email: [email protected]


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Como Citar

Mormello, R., & Reichelt, V. P. (2017). Duty, pleasure or addiction? Study of workaholic behavior in bachelors with business administration degree. REBRAE, 11(1), 125–141. https://doi.org/10.7213/rebrae.11.001.AO08


