Strategic organizational adaptation under multiple theoretical lenses: sudy og Weg Between 1961-2013


  • Darlan Parucker Lueders
  • Queila Regina Souza Matitz



Strategy, Organization, Adaptation, Environment, Theories.


Studies on strategic organizational adaptation are related to the development and application of descriptive and explanatory theories of strategic options and the degree of potential organizational mobilization in response to internal and external elements potentially influential of strategic decision making. The main objective of this research was to analyze the individual and joint explanatory power of organizational strategic adaptation theories, based on changes in the strategic content of a large Brazilian organization over 40 years of history. Methodologically, it is a qualitative, descriptive and analytical study. Secondary data were collected in books about the corporate history and information available in official media about the organization. The results demonstrated complementarities between the theories used to explain the organizational strategic adaptation phenomenon. Among the key findings, it appears that the understanding of the organizational strategic adaptation process in longitudinal perspective is a phenomenon that requires multiple theoretical
lenses. Moreover, it results from the interaction between internal and external elements of the organization.


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Como Citar

Parucker Lueders, D., & Souza Matitz, Q. R. (2016). Strategic organizational adaptation under multiple theoretical lenses: sudy og Weg Between 1961-2013. REBRAE, 9(2), 182–197.


