A conceptual development of value appropriability for marketing channel strategy


  • Thomas Brashear Alejandro
  • Jun Kang




Strategy, Appropriation, Channels.


Channel strategy value relevance and the underlying value appropriation processes of channels center on a firm’s ability to retain the tangible and intangible value created in channels. The contribution of a channel strategy to a firm is determined not only by the amount of value created during the distribution process, but also by the ultimate value appropriated by the firm. This study contributes to our knowledge of the value appropriation process in channels through an extension of existing literature on channel appropriability strategies. Our examination of the value appropriation processes in channels is integral to the execution of a maximization approach of value capture in channel strategy. We further propose that an emphasis on value appropriation
may help a firm develop a comprehensive and appropriate channel strategy which ultimately contributes to intangible firm value. This research contributes to channels literature in the integration of different theoretical perspectives and suggestions for designing future research on the value creation side of channel strategies.


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Como Citar

Brashear Alejandro, T., & Kang, J. (2013). A conceptual development of value appropriability for marketing channel strategy. REBRAE, 6(3), 319–333. https://doi.org/10.7213/rebrae.06.003.AO08


