Pro-innovation restructuring strategy: case study of a multipurpose public organization in health


  • Patrícia Santos Cavalheiro Silva
  • Marcos Filgueiras Jorge
  • Branca Regina Cantisano dos Santos e Silva Riscado Terra
  • Jorge de Abreu Soares
  • João Alberto Neves dos Santos
  • Marcelino José Jorge


Palabras clave:

Efficiency, Innovation, Competitive advantage.


The aim of this article is to measure the effect on performance, of the innovation in the organizational structure of the laboratories for clinical research associated with healthcare in infectious diseases of the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI) at Fiocruz in 2007, na effect herein identified as representative of the corporate intangible assets resulting from such restructuring strategy. The method consists, first, in the analysis of the literature about the measurement of intangible assets and organizational innovation, the potential effects of organization�s structure in performance, and the assessment of multipurpose public organizations in health, as sources of the basic notion on relations between intangible assets, organizational structure and performance which is used in this research. Next, the empirical research involves: (a) characterizing the change in organizational structure of 8 INI laboratories; (b) quantifying variables on the use of consumer goods and specialized personnel and on the production of teaching, research and health care; (c) calculating indicators about the development of relative technical efficiency of INI laboratories in the period 2002-2014, through Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA); and (d) using these indicators to compare the performance of these laboratories before and after the organizational innovation associated with the adoption of the Innovative Structure in their restructuring. As a contribution to knowledge, opens up prospects of collaborative research in Administration, Accounting and Economics for the development of a metric for organizational innovation. As management contribution, confirms the association between restructuring of INI laboratories as Innovative Organizations and their improvement in performance. Although the case study method imposes limitations to the generalizability of these results, mainly because there are no sufficient multipurpose organizations that use this methodology in performance assessment, it brings evidence on the potential benefit of the entrepreneurial-oriented innovation for the expansion and improvement of multipurpose public organizations.


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Cómo citar

Cavalheiro Silva, P. S., Filgueiras Jorge, M., Cantisano dos Santos e Silva Riscado Terra, B. R., de Abreu Soares, J., Neves dos Santos, J. A., & Jorge, M. J. (2016). Pro-innovation restructuring strategy: case study of a multipurpose public organization in health. REBRAE, 9(1), 62–78.


