Contemporary Christianity: Interconfessional and Intercultural Challenges. Parish Ministry and Religious Pluralism



Palabras clave:

Parish Ministry, Religious Pluralism, Christianity, Judaism, Islam


This reflection is based on 10 years’ experience of parish ministry in the Church of Scotland. While offering a territorial ministry – even in overseas former missionary churches – I became deeply aware of religious pluralism in each parish. I explored this religious pluralism in relation to Jewish and Muslim communities living in the parishes that I served. In particular, in dialogue and sharing with imams and rabbis, we explored interconfessional and intercultural challenges of living together and worshiping together. I have invited rabbis and imams to ‘preach’ during public worship; likewise, I have been invited to offer reflections in synagogues and mosques during times of ‘holy prayer’. This reflection documents the interconfessional and intercultural challenges of parish ministry and religious pluralism.


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Cómo citar

McGeoch, G. G. (2020). Contemporary Christianity: Interconfessional and Intercultural Challenges. Parish Ministry and Religious Pluralism. Revista Pistis & Praxis, 12(3).