The presence of Lutheranism in Brazil

an ecumenical reading based on Luther




The presence of Lutheranism is intrinsically linked to German immigration to Brazil from 1824 onwards. There are initiatives to trigger memories of the 200-year existence of Lutheranism in Brazil, especially by the Evangelical Church of the Lutheran Confession in Brazil (IECLB). The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between ecumenism and Lutheranism from the perspective of the Trinitarian doctrine interpreted by Martin Luther. Lutheranism is a broad and complex cultural, theological, religious and philosophical phenomenon. In the history of Lutheranism we find the orthodox interpretation of ecumenical symbols, as well as the rationalist current, which proposed rejecting or overcoming the Trinitarian doctrine. Both formed Lutheranism in Brazil, which in its early days lived in the diaspora and was a victim of religious and political segregation. Lutheranism has been building ecumenical bridges for many decades. Within this broad theme of ecumenism, this article briefly and provisionally emphasises the Trinitarian doctrine, which is the guiding principle of all historic Christian churches. Thus, this work proposes reflections so that Trinitarian theology, as interpreted by Luther, can mobilise Christian churches to understand each other on the basis of their common confessional foundations. Bibliographical research is the methodology used, based on specialised literature and online data.


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Author Biography

Euler Renato Westphal, Faculdade Luterana de Teologia (FLT)

Professor of Systematic Theology at the Lutheran Faculty of Theology (FLT), São Bento do Sul-SC. Lecturer in the Medicine course, Bioethics, and in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Heritage and Society – University of the Joinville Region – Univille. Doctor of Theology from IEPG- Faculdades EST – São Leopoldo-RS (1997) and Doctor Honoris Causa by Friedrich Schiller University – Jena, Germany (2023) (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.).



How to Cite

Westphal, E. R. (2024). The presence of Lutheranism in Brazil: an ecumenical reading based on Luther. Pistis Praxis, 16(1), 07–21.