Evangelization in the Amazon

Theology and Inculturation





The inculturation of the Gospel was one of the concerns of the Second Vatican Council. In its reception by the Church in Latin America, this theme was taken seriously by the Puebla Conference (1979). Associated with the magisterium, a nascent Liberation Theology was being developed, contributing to the process of ecclesiastical and Gospel inculturation. The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Querida Amazônia” (QAm) proposes a radically inculturated evangelization in the pan-Amazonian territory. In response to this proposal, theology must also offer its contribution, as will be explained in this study. This topic is presented in four moments: 1) conciliar teaching, cultures and theology, 2) reception of the Council in Latin America, 3) paradigm of inculturation of the Gospel in the Latin American Church 4) lines of work for inculturated evangelization and theology, followed by considerations on the possibilities of a theological reflection of liberation. It is proposed that theological application, in line with Latin American and Caribbean theological and ecclesiastical tradition, requires the conversion of its authors, and the overcoming of a colonialist spirit, in order to dialogue with the cultures, spiritualities and traditions of the Amazonian peoples.


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Author Biography

Francisco Chagas De Albuquerque, FAJE - Belo Horizonte

Doutor em Teologia Sistemática pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana, Roma (2009). Professor de Teologia Pastoral na FAJE, Belo Horizonte.



How to Cite

De Albuquerque, F. C. (2024). Evangelization in the Amazon: Theology and Inculturation. Pistis Praxis, 16(1), 187–203. https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.16.001.AO04