Poder, liderança e violências teológicas: reflexões nas mensagens de Jesus de Nazaré






When observing the Bible, being one of the most read books in the whole world, we find in the Old Testament some forms of leadership and power that generated violence and injustice, but all that changes with the coming of Jesus Christ who undoes the law of the “eye for an eye”, and a tooth for a tooth” by the law of love. In the Old Testament, leaders were often distinguished by their military or political skills. The conflicts, in the history, often revolved around conquests and victories. Jesus, however, presented an innovative approach. He called himself the "Good Shepherd", a term that           resonated with the idea of ​​guiding, protecting and sacrificing for the benefit of his flock. Jesus taught and demonstrated with his life that power must be exercised as a service, especially to excluded and marginalized people, a very different role from what was written on the plaque above his head, on the tip of his cross, on the day of his death: “Jesus, King of the Jews.” This new form of leadership moved away from traditional notions of authority and, in this way, emphasized care, compassion, kindness, and the giving of life for all of God's people.

Keywords: Leadership. Power. Jesus Christ. Service.


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Author Biography

Eva Gislane Barbosa, PUCPR

Mestra em Teologia e Sociedade pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. Graduada em Teologia pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná. 



How to Cite

Coutinho, B., Barbosa, E. G., Perondi, I., & Moura, N. (2023). Poder, liderança e violências teológicas: reflexões nas mensagens de Jesus de Nazaré. Pistis Praxis, 15(3). https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.15.003.AO05