Human rights and bioethics

articulations between education and environmental bioethics




This article discusses the articulations between human rights and bioethics, based on the assumption that all individuals are equal under the law, and that there are no legal differences among citizens. Beyond this, human rights constitute ethical foundations that result in the protection of life, freedom, equality, dignity, and social
well-being. From this context arises the question: How to establish a bioethical awareness and its interfaces between education and environmental bioethics, on paths of ethical responsibility in human and planetary relations? This is a bibliographic research with a qualitative approach, seeking theoretical and epistemological insights from the works of David Wallace-Wells, Hans Jonas, Van Rensselaer Potter, among others. The findings indicate that human rights advocate general principles established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and (democratic) Constitutions, central issues concerning human dignity; bioethics emphasizes the relevance of practical (ethical) attitudes, including in professional and interdisciplinary practice, ensuring respect for the conditions of human and planetary existence. On the other hand, environmental education reintroduces the capacity for reflection on the principle of responsibility for human actions. It is concluded that bioethics serves as a bridge between the human and the conditions of existence on the planet and, above all, constitutes an education of wisdom (responsibility) for the survival of Mother Earth (Gaia).


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Author Biographies

Fábio Antônio Gabriel, Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP),Jacarezinho –PR –Brasil

Doutor em Educação (2019) e mestre em Educação (2015) pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG) do Paraná. Professor do Centro de Letras, Comunicação e Artes (UENP)e Professor de Filosofia na Rede Estadual do Paraná(SEED/PR).

Anderson Luiz Tedesco, Unochapecó

Doutor em Filosofia Pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (Puc-PR). Professor e Pesquisador em Estágio Pós-Doutoral da Universidade Comunitária de Chapecó (Unochapecó). Também atua como professor no Colégio La Salle de Xanxerê - SC.



How to Cite

Gabriel, F. A., & Tedesco, A. L. (2023). Human rights and bioethics: articulations between education and environmental bioethics. Pistis Praxis, 15(2), 339–352.