
a new model of exercise of power according to Jesus in Matthew 20.20-28





The purpose of the article is to argue in favor of Jesus' proposal presented in Matthew 20.20-28 as an alternative applicable to all social relations and not just to the ecclesial-religious context. The pericope narrates the request of the mother of James and John for the right to the first places in the messianic kingdom, which they believe to be imminent. The incident, which occurred on the way to Jerusalem, gave Jesus the opportunity to present the summary of his teaching on the exercise of power as diakonia, according to the ethics of the kingdom of God. On the one hand, he condemns the model of exercise of power practiced by the “governors” and “greats” of society — in this article, referred to as 'power-domination' or ‘power-over’ — and proposes a new model of exercise of power, based on his own person and example — referred to here as 'power-servitute' or ‘power-to’. It is a dilemma before which disciples are challenged to break with the first model and adhere to the second model.


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Author Biography

Eliseu Pereira, PUCPR

Eliseu Pereira é mestre e doutor em Teologia pela PUCPR, membro da Igreja Libertária em Curitiba e administrador do canal Teologia Pé no Chão.



How to Cite

Pereira, E. (2023). Power-servitute: a new model of exercise of power according to Jesus in Matthew 20.20-28. Pistis Praxis, 15(3). https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.15.003.DS07