The girardian reading of the gerasene demoniac: exegetical-anthropological dialogue about violence

diálogo exegético-antropológico sobre a violência


  • Adriano Lazarini Souza dos Santos Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)
  • Edélcio Ottaviani Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP)



The factor of violence is an obscure anthropological constant. It manifests itself under different typologies, with multiple shades and using different mechanisms. René Girard noted such universality and intuited a ritualistic presence in what he called the scapegoat mechanism. The Judeo-Christian revelation presents the harmful effects of this vicious circle, which always requires a new sacrifice to restore the balance of a collectivity, and the New Testament proposes to overcome this perverse mechanism, through the offering that Jesus makes of himself. Victims become proclaimers of the good news about violence overcome. In this sense, this research will present the hermeneutics applied by Girard to the New Testament pericope, commonly entitled “The Gerasene demoniac”, present in the triple synoptic tradition (Mk 5,1-20; Mt 8, 28-9,1a; Lk 8,26- 39). The established counterpoint, with the help of some exegetical comments, aims to bring to light the important contributions of this scholar, who ventured into the biblical field and favored, with his theory, dialogue and mutual enrichment between exegesis and anthropology.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. L. S. dos, & Ottaviani, E. (2023). The girardian reading of the gerasene demoniac: exegetical-anthropological dialogue about violence: diálogo exegético-antropológico sobre a violência. Pistis Praxis, 15(3).