Sinodality at parish level




The path that the Church has taken throughout the pontificate of Francis to retrieve synodality also challenges the sphere of the parish as a network of communities. As a constitutive dimension of the Church, synodality encompasses all its levels. The Church in Latin America and Brazil, since its reception of the Second Vatican Council, has been crossed by experiences of synodality, continually urging for a parish renewal that makes each small Christian community a subject of pastoral action. Turning our gaze to this history, and to the current experience of the 2021-2024 Synod, it is possible to point out ways for the synodal maturation of our communities, regarding the relationship between ordained ministers and lay people, the participation organisms and the celebration of the liturgy.


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Author Biography

Felipe Sérgio Koller, PUCPR

Mestre e doutorando em Teologia pela PUCPR. Pesquisa principalmente os seguintes temas: arte litúrgica, magistério pontifício e espiritualidade.



How to Cite

Paiva, V., & Koller, F. S. (2023). Sinodality at parish level. Pistis Praxis, 15(1).