The challenge of human centrality today in the light of Fabrice Hadjadj's thinking and catholic social teaching

implications for the economic question




The present work aims to present the reflection developed by Fabrice Hadjadj in his text/conference “Replacing man at the center: an anthropological challenge”, dialoguing with other sources of Catholic theology and the Social Doctrine of the Church regarding the theme of theological anthropology and its contemporary challenges, especially in relation to the economic issue. The research developed is of a bibliographic nature and of a basic/theoretical bias, having as a problem the need to understand the possible overlaps between the reflection made by Hadjadj and the Catholic social teaching. As a result of research, we realized that the convergence between the latent theology present in Hadjadj's text and the clairvoyant theological anthropology expressed in the Church's Social Doctrine, giving us the opportunity to recognize the perennial validity of such doctrinal teaching today for the promotion of authentic human dignity in a society that faces serious socio-economic difficulties and obstacles. Didactically, a thematic subdivision followed the original sections of Hadjadj's text, so that the correspondence with his own reflection becomes more evident throughout the reasoning that we propose here. Finally, sections and reflections were added, but the proposed expansion was made in a way connected with the primary theoretical framework.


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Author Biography

Elvis Rezende Messias, Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG Campanha)

Doutorando em Educação pela Universidade Nove de Julho (bolsista CAPES). Mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Alfenas. Especialista em Doutrina Social da Igreja pela PUC-GO. Bacharel em Teologia pela Universidade Católica Dom Bosco. Especialista em Filosofia pelo Claretiano. Licenciado em Filosofia pela Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais. Docente-pesquisador e vice-diretor da UEMG (Unidade Acadêmica de Campanha).



How to Cite

Messias, E. R. (2023). The challenge of human centrality today in the light of Fabrice Hadjadj’s thinking and catholic social teaching: implications for the economic question. Pistis Praxis, 15(3).