Of spirituality as an epistemic-existential experience involving the truth as a paradox in Sören Kierkegaard, the sacred in Rudolf Otto and the spiritual presence in Paul Tillich





According to Kierkegaard, truth is superimposed on the objective character that encompasses from a historical investigation to a speculative exercise, keeping a correspondence with subjectivity in a movement that implies the limit-condition of interiority. Focusing on such existential-hermeneutic principle, the article points out spirituality as an epistemic-existential experience involving truth as a paradox in Kierkegaard, that overlaps the logical-discursive mediation and implies a dialectical-subjective construction that transcends reason historical-objective (or finite). In this way, characterizing spirituality as an epistemic-existential experience that converges to the borders that contain non-rational evidence as the only type of evidence, the article resorts to Rudolf Otto's phenomenological perspective, that emphasizes the sacred and its absolute distinction in relation to natural reality and its perceptible character in a construction that emphasizes the non-rational element and its supra-rational nature and implies the numinous, which escapes logical-rational processes and, emerging as a priori, converges to the apprehension of the rational and the non-rational in the notion of Divinity. Thus, if the relationship with God overlaps the borders that enclose subjectivity and objectivity, converging to overcome the aforementioned epistemic structural scheme, the article, based on Paul Tillich's theological-philosophical perspective, focuses on the concept of Spiritual Presence that, characterizing life without ambiguity, implies a transcendent unión, correlating agape and gnosis as an epistemic-existential experience involving the relationship with the sacred as the presence of God through an ecstatic-religious movement that converges to self-manifestation, self-revelation and the self-communication of the Absolute and Transcendent as God.


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Author Biography

Luiz Carlos Mariano Da Rosa, University of Science and Literature (UNISELINOS)

Licenciado em Filosofia pelo Centro Universitário Claretiano de Batatais (CEUCLAR - SP). Bacharel em Teologia pelo Universidade Estácio de Sá (UNESA - RJ). Pós-Graduado Lato Sensu em Filosofia pela Universidade Gama Filho (UGF - RJ). Pós-Graduado Lato Sensu em Ciências da Religião pela Universidade Cândido Mendes (UCAM - RJ). Mestre em Filosofia pela Universidade Gama Filho (UGF - RJ). Mestre em Teologia pela Lucent University (LU – TX / USA). Doutorando em Filosofia pela Selinus University of Science and Literature (UNISELINOS – Londres / Inglaterra). Pesquisador no Mariano Da Rosa Research Institute (MDRRI - TX / USA), Pesquisador-Colaborador na Lucent University (LU – TX / USA) e Professor-Pesquisador na ONG EPZ/SP - Espaço Politikón Zôon - Educação, Arte e Cultura (São Paulo/Brasil). Editor na PZP/SP - Politikón Zôon Publicações (São Paulo/Brasil), no Philosophy International Journal - PhIJ (ISSN: 2641-9130) - Medwin Publishers (Michigan/USA), e na Mariano Da Rosa Academic Editions (MDRAE - TX / USA).



How to Cite

Mariano Da Rosa, L. C. (2022). Of spirituality as an epistemic-existential experience involving the truth as a paradox in Sören Kierkegaard, the sacred in Rudolf Otto and the spiritual presence in Paul Tillich. Pistis Praxis, 14(3). https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.14.003.AO02