Teologia Latino-Americana

Igreja e Reino de Deus segundo I. Ellacuría





This article presents a relationship between the Kingdom of God and the conversion of the Church. It emphasizes the Kingdom of God as the fundamental object and the integral or holistic theme of the theology of I. Ellacuría. It explains that the religious dimension of the Kingdom of God is integrated within the praxis of the church of the poor and it also has ‘essential reference’ that it has with the world and history. Therefore it puts emphasis on the implications of the meaning of the concept of the Kingdom of God for the life and faith of the Christians and the church. It also highlights the relationship between the meaning of following Jesus and its ecclesial praxis. It starts with the analysis of the texts that deal with the referred theme from the author. Besides the central categories of the theology of Ellacuría, it includes also the perspectives of other authors in order to broaden the understanding of the central concepts of Ellacurian theology. Furthermore, in this article, the theological and pastoral perspectives are redefined or updated through the call to recognize and accept the paradigm of ‘missionary-conversion’, which is addressed to the whole church in the apostolic exhortation of the Evangelii gaudium (27-32). In addition, it promotes the reception of the Synod of Amazon in the light of a liberating inculturation and an integral ecology according to the encyclical Laudo si' (137-138).


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Author Biography

Francisco Chagas De Albuquerque, FAJE - Belo Horizonte

Doutor em Teologia Sistemática pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana, Roma (2009). Professor de Teologia Pastoral na FAJE, Belo Horizonte.



How to Cite

De Albuquerque, F. C. (2022). Teologia Latino-Americana: Igreja e Reino de Deus segundo I. Ellacuría. Pistis Praxis, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.7213/2175-1838.14.001.AO03