Cuidado Espiritual em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Pessoas Idosas – Estudo de caso




Espiritualidade/Religiosidade. Pessoa Idosa. Instituição de Longa Permanência para Pessoa Idosa. Hospital Geriátrico.


The Authors must provide two abstracts, being one in its first and original language (English, French or Spanish) and a second Research on spirituality has developed significantly especially in the later stages of life. This study is aimed at discussing the possibilities for spiritual care based on the needs presented by an elderly person residing in a Long-Stay Institutions for the Elderly (LSIE). Hence, Theology has sought its place in the task of building in dialogue with other fronts. Both in the public perspective and in practice, Theology seeks to build more just and egalitarian relations in the public sphere. The methodology chosen was qualitative of the exploratory-descriptive type, opting for the case study. In the spiritual accompaniment to the elderly; evaluation instruments were applied, such as the Religious Spiritual Coping Scale and the Centrality of Religiosity Scale. The results showed that isolation from the religious community, caused by institutionalization, is a source of suffering. At the same time, the participant makes use of spirituality / religiosity to face stressful situations. Also, meeting the religious need of the elderly is a way of strengthening their spiritual resources to cope with the challenges experienced in this stage of life. It is concluded that there is a need for professional assistance from Spiritual Caregivers in LSIE, in order to assist residents in redimentioning their lives.


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Author Biographies

Elaine Pinheiro Neves de Macedo, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Doutora em Teologia

Mary Rute Gomes Esperandio, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Doutora em Teologia


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How to Cite

de Macedo, E. P. N., & Esperandio, M. R. G. (2023). Cuidado Espiritual em Instituições de Longa Permanência para Pessoas Idosas – Estudo de caso. Pistis Praxis, 15(2), 257–269.